Monday, October 18, 2010


I have been trying to get in shape and have done
a couple of 5K's that last 2 months. Staci & I did
The Night of The Running Dead. It was the hardest
race I have done yet. We didn't want to finish the course,
because you had to go around twice. But we gave it our all
and did it. It was all hills and mostly unpaved roads. But we
got to dress up as zombies, so it was fun! Plus, we both won
stuff in the raffle. Staci won an ipod shuffle & I won tickets
to the Haunted Symphony.

Our new friend, Tim.

These zombies had awesome make-up!!! RRrrr

This race was for The American Heart Association.
It was fitting to do this race with my CVU3 co-workers.
Candice, her rommie, Angie, and Evan. (Top row)
Danielle, Me & Tiff. (Bottom row)
This race was at Sugarhouse Park, and it was pretty hard,
but I was pretty darn close to my time for the SLC
5K I had done in April. I feel that this race was harder.
(More stinkin' hills.)

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