Sunday, December 27, 2009

My Home

Many of you have wondered if this post was ever going to happen. I finally got some decent pictures to post on my blog. Here is my cute condo! I moved in about two months ago. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a patio, and a storage/laundry room. I just posted a few photos. I will be having a 'late' house warming party in January once all of the holiday craziness is gone. You will all need to come visit me at my place.....the pictures don't do it justice!

December Disneyland

The biggest tree ever. It was at the beginning of Main Street.

My mom and I got these great Tink glow lights at dinner one night.

All 3 of us on Main Street enjoying the lights.

The castle was awesome! It was covered in snow and icicle lights. There was a firework show every night and it was followed by snow falling. The were kids in the park that were so excited, I was guessing they had probably never seen snow before.I sometimes wish that our snow here at home wasn't cold either.

It's A Small World was covered in lights! The inside was all Christmasy too. We waited in the longest line ever to get on this ride, but it went by fast :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


December warmer & scent of the month.....