Sunday, April 18, 2010


I walked/jogged my first 5K! I did it with 5 of
my cousins: Lisa, Ty, Staci, Gregg and Lacey.
It was an awesome feeling to finish!!! I wasn't
quite ready to jog the whole thing and I was
a little nervous to do it. But now I want to
become a better runner and complete more
races. My goal was 45 minutes, and I
completed it in 44 minutes and 22 seconds.
Thanks Stac for asking me to do it with you.


Tricia said...

Great job Megs! There is such a good, uplifting vibe at races. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

Staci Alexander said...

You're welcome! I'm so glad you did it and I'm SO proud of you finishing it before me! Mine was the same goal and i finished a minute after...but then again, there are other races coming up :)

Staci Alexander said...

P.S. I'm stilling this picture and putting it on thanks :)